Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Cook Boerwurst


on a beauty exchange on the Internet about a week ago I made a bargain: A small, new and unused cosmetic package of "The Colour Institute for 3 € incl. Purchased. Now it is here .....

.... and at first glance, it is not the screamer. The packaging is the cheapest of all species, there is no product names or numbers. Mix. Also, contents or quantity information to be sought in vain. But that's not really much in it, you can see the ultra-thin packaging so on already. But now it is there, and was once taken a closer look.

Both Blush (Blushes ????) have surprised me. As you can see at the Swatch, they are fairly well pigmented. The light is a matte, vibrant pink. And the dark .... a great red reminds me at first glance to the new Mineral Blush of alverde that shines almost as red.

The Shadow, however, are terrible. They are rock hard and give as good as even from no color. For this weak, barely existing Swatch I had to press gnaz beautiful and tens of times "rub" about the product. And right of the palette was received from the old rose to no color .....

The right is, according to the sticker back on it a powder, the right is a Cream Eyeshadow. The powder is so mediocre from suit, where it is more of a shimmer. The Swatch is the far left. But as a highlighter or shimmer powder, it is possibly quite OK. The Cream Eyeshadow can be seen in the middle. It has a powdery, slightly sticky consistency, and smells somehow after grandma. On the far right you see the Cream Eyeshadow, and the thing the pben Pudeieht up of nice, We'll see if I will ever use it .....

A Shimmer Powder in pink and a mini mini Tuebchen with glitter cream. The glitter cream as you Eyeshadow underground. The gel dries not forever, and when it is dry partly times, then it shines fairly moist. And where the heck the glitter in Glitter Gel gone?? The Shimmer Powder is really quite nice. It is pink with lots of glitter, but I'm determined time use. The two

Blush (blush?) And Shimmer Powder I like very well, the rest ...... less. The whole reminds me somehow of cosmetics or Kik Tedi, and since I've never bought cosmetics. But my two little sisters (6 and 8) will love the eye shadow and glittery gel maybe not. The rest I'll keep still there, and look, if I can do it. Otherwise, get the two .....

Have you ever even "cheap" cosmetics bought? If so, what time was surprisingly good here??

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How High To Tie Curtains

Renshausen News

today will very briefly indicate that "Renshausen News" went online. Check it out. Would be nice. There is not much to see but soon.

Just a short note that "Renshausen News" is online now. Come over and visit. Would love to see you there too. Not much to see yet but soon.

How To Play Tech Deck Live?

Good morning

good morning, originally uploaded by gallery morgenstern

Looking forward to a wonderful weekend after this breakfast. I hope you all have a most delicious weekend too.

After such a breakfast must be nice for the weekend yet. I also wish you a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

39 Weeks Lost Mucus Plug

Egg Art "Tulips" - Art at the egg "Tulip"

As promised another painted egg "Tulips" this time. I have about 400 eggs sitting in my studio waiting patiently to be painted. Which means that I am very busy from now until Easter. I will not be able to blog as frequently or visit your blogs as often as I would like to. But I will keep you informed on my progress.

Like today promised another painted egg "Tulip" this time on my work table waiting patiently to 400 eggs, painted to be. This would mean that I will be busy from now until Easter and can not spend very much time blogging as I do. After Easter, it is better. So see it after me please if I post less often or add comments with you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Instructions For Pasta Express Machine

Tulips - Tulips

The wheather has been so miserable for the past few days that I decided it was time for some spring colours. so I bought tulips. For me tulips are always a sign that winter is over, at least in my mind if not for real. I thought I'd share these beautiful flowers with you. Hope you enjoy. And tomorrow I will show you the tulip-eggs.

Das Wetter war in den letzten Tagen so regnerisch-kalt-ungemütlich, dass ich beschlossen habe, es reicht, der Frühling muß ins Haus. In meinem Case in the shape of tulips. Though the winter was to return again, in my house is now spring. I hope you like them, my tulips. And tomorrow there will then adjust the tulips eggs.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brent Everett Free Blog

Mango Tango

Little children like fruit normally. The older they get the less they eat fruit. But when I cut it into bite-size pieces and stick them in colored skewers - tata they love it. I do add a small bowl of chocolate-flavored yogurt to dip (that helps too). Have a most delicious

When my children were small they liked fruit all that was offered them so far. The older they were the less fruit was announced. Then I discovered when I cut into bite-sized pieces, put inside colorful Pieckser and maybe a little cup yogurt (flavored with chocolate powder or may not) see - and it is again destroyed everything. I wish you a good Sunday.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Cycle Starts Sometimes When I Have Diarrhea

Magnolia - Magnolia

Some more photos of the magnolia twigs I cut at the beginning of the year. Have a look at Mona's blog. She has some too. And a very clever idea in addition what you can do to beautify the vase holding them. Have a most wonderful weekend.

only a sample of the magnolia branches, which I had cut earlier this year. Look also at the same by Mona . She also has such beautiful branches, and equal also a great idea on how to beautify the corresponding vase. I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Awesome Groping In Bus

Egg Art "Magnolia" - Art at the egg "Magnolia"

magnolia , originally uploaded by morgenstern

Gallery For me, the egg-painting season has begun. Since the beginning of the year I had brought a couple of magnolia branches from the garden I will now be rewarded with beautiful flowers. So I thought, why not just start this year with magnolias. So here it is: my magnolia on an egg, a goose egg in this case. On a chicken-egg there will be the Magnolia as well. And starting next week and after my bemalten Eier in meinem Dawanda Shop zu kaufen sein. Ich hoffe, sie gefällt euch.

Let me show you what keeps me busy these days. For me the painting-on-egg season has begun. From now until Easter I will paint many eggs. This is the first one for this season. At the beginning of the year I had cut some magnolia twigs in the garden and they are just now opening their blossoms. So I thought that I could start with painting magnolias on egg this year. From next week on I will also start selling them in my Dawanda shop. I hope you like this "Magnolia" on egg.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Free Baby Shower Templates And Powerpoint

12 of 12 January 2011

This is a project initiated by Chad Darnell and I am taking part today. To take part you have to take 12 photos of the 12th of the month and publish them with a link to Chad Darnell . Here are my 12 photos of January 12, 2011th Hope you will enjoy my photos and stories.

Such a project is launched by Chad Darnell and I do with today. This means that you do on 12 12 photos of the month and publish it with a link to Chad Darnell . Here are my 12 photos of 12 January 2011th I hope you like my photos and stories to it.

I went outside this morning to get a few branches of our magnolia tree. Can't wait for spring so I thought I speed it up a bit. These branches will hopefully show me some wonderful flowers soon.

This is my "moleskin" that I am submitting tomorrow for a project called "the Sketchbook Project 20112. If you are interested in finding out more about it go here .
One of the inside pages of what I did to my book. I am a painter of watercolours and for a few months a year I paint on eggs. This is what I wanted to show in my moleskin. I hope I succeeded and that the people will like it.

Another page of my moleskin. This one a bit of sumi-e painting. My personal page of the project you can view here if you like.

We have taken down all the Christmas ornaments last weekend but this big star I decided is going to stay at the window next to my desk. I like stars have I ever told you?

Now this is my personal calender/address/appointments/dates etc. book. I don't believe in any of these electronical gadgets to keep me informed. I am old-fashioned and I write down everything that is important to me by hand. It is not a small book believe me.

This week I started the painting lessons again. Today we did this. You can't really see it from the photo but it is two paintings. the circle is in fact a whole and the bouquet is on another page.

Some more ornaments from the Christmas tree which will move into the Easter bouquet to keep the eggs company.

I got a new lamp for my desk. I don't know how I worked before I had this. It sure makes a big difference.

This actually belongs to my son. He adores the sweets inside and so he got this for Christmas.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How Many Calories In Orville Redenbacher's

Delicious Sunday "windbag" or "Chouquettes"

I know, I know, it is not Sunday just yet but if you want to make this for Sunday you better start thinking about it today. Here is my version of "Windbeutel" (in German) or "Chouquettes" (in French). Anybody know the English word for it? Anyway wish you all a wonderful weekend.


1/4 liter water
1 pinch of salt
75 gr. butter (unsalted)
180 gr. flour (not selfraising)
4 to 5 eggs
whipping cream

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 220°C.

Bring water to a boil with salt and butter. Take pot from the stove and add flour all at once. Put pot back on the stove and stir quickly until the dough builds a lump (I know this doesn't sound very professional but I think you get what I mean). Then move dough into a bowl and add 1 egg immediately. Let dough rest until cooled down to lukewarm. Then add the eggs but work in one egg before you add the next one. Before you add egg number 5 check if dough kind of drops off a spoon if you hold it in the air (does this make sense?). Don't stir any more then. Fill into a bag and squeeze nice ring-shape twirls on a buttered baking sheet. Bake immediately. Don't open the oven before they are done. Cut them in half right away after baking and fill them with whipped cream and any sort of fruit you like. For the savoury version fill it with cream cheese and chives. Just as an example. Get creative and see what you come up with. Bon appetit.

Yes Yes I know it's not Sunday but if you want to bake this delicious morning, you must read the recipe today and maybe even get ingredients? Anyway, here's the recipe. Have fun Bake.

1 / 4 liter water
1 pinch salt 75 g butter
180 gr flour 4-5 eggs

Bake at 220 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

water with salt and butter to a boil. Remove from heat, pour in flour all at once. pot again heat on the stove and bring to a lump forms. Pour the mixture into a bowl and immediately stir in an egg. let dough cool to hand temperature, then the eggs undergo gradually. An egg must always be processed before the next is added. before 5 Egg, the dough sample make: the dough must hang in long pin on the bucket. If not, then the first half and then add the whole egg. Dough not move anymore. With a piping bag small squiggle on a greased baking tray spray (I use parchment paper, that works too). Bake immediately. Door does not open during baking. Is still cut. Allow to cool. With whipped cream and fruit to taste füllen oder falls salzig gewünscht mit Frischkäse füllen. Eurer Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Guten Appetit.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Non Traditional Funny Wedding Invitation

The Sketch Book Project 2011 - Part 2

Yesterday I told you about the sketchbook project I am participating. Every participant has to fill a moleskin with art any which way we want. The only thing we can't do is alter the size of the moleskin. Naturally I wanted to show everything I have painted so far. From wet-in-wet to portraits to flowers to sumi-e etc.etc.etc. This is not possible. Now I had to think about what I really like painting which is at this particular time of year - eggs. I like painting on eggs. A lot. Can't explain why but I do. At the time when a girlfriend told me to try and paint on eggs I thought she was being funny. Roma Fromme-Monsees is her name and she is a really good calligraphist. And does calligraphy on eggs too. So I tried and liked it. Ever since I am painting on eggs, real eggs of course never plastic ones. Here in Germany we have a lot of collectors and egg fairs. Anyway - I cannot stick eggs in my moleskin and filling it with photos of my art is not the point. So for each page I try to have the egg somewhere as part of the painting. See for yourself. Here is a collage of the next few pages.

My moleskin

Yesterday I told you about this Sketchbook Project . Each participant will receive a Moleskin and can or should fill it with his / her art. The only condition is that you do not change the size of the Moleskin allowed. Now of course I wanted all that I can squeeze into this little book. Can not. Beyond the scope. So I had to concentrate on one thing: in wet, wet, portraits, flowers, sumi-e, etc. etc. etc. After I am now fully again in the Easter scheduling, ie Eiermalplanung it was close but, my watercolors on egg to show. Incidentally, I had a girlfriend, Roma Fromme-Monsees on the egg-painting brought. When she suggested to me, but time to paint an egg for the first time I have not taken seriously. She is a wonderful calligrapher and calligraphy also putting eggs. I've tried it and then you'll see that what has become of it. Four months of the year are with me in the character of the egg. In Germany there are many collectors and accordingly many egg-Märkte.Jetzt course I can not stick to the eggs moleskin and photos of my painted eggs I was not so nice. So I was thinking for each side something that I can show that the respective Watercolor is for an egg. See for yourself Here is a collage of the following pages.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sharp Pain In Elbow When Touched

The Sketch Book Project: 2011

The deadline for this project ist January 15, 2011 and I have known about it since August 2010. I always do this and it hasn't changed this year either. I wait until the very last minute to finish whatever I have planned. And it works. For me, at least. So again with this wonderful project I am participating in. Artists from allover the world received a personalized moleskin to fill it with their artwork. My theme is "in 5 minutes". Very fitting I believe. I do watercolours and I like doing paintings freely, loose and quickly. I have to be very quick this time because I only started yesterday. Have already finished about half so I thought I can show you a little bit of what I did so far. If you are interested in the whole project please visit their site "The Sketch Book Project 2011" . If you'd like to visit my personal page there check here at "ArtHouseCo-op" . It would be very nice if you left me a comment there so I know you have visited. Now see if you like what I did so far and let me know what you think.

The deadline for this project is 15 January 2011 and I knew the date since August 2010. Also this year has not changed the fact that I tend to tackle everything at the last minute. Many, many artists from around the world participate in this action. All participants were given a moleskin, which is a small notebook that one with the to assemble their own art. You could choose among many topics and in 5 minutes "pastt very good to me. I paint watercolors and very free and easy. And very quickly I must be now, because I've only yesterday begun to paint in my moleskin. Ca. half I have done and I thought, now I could ever give you some insight. If you want to know about the whole action must visit the site "The Sketch Book Project 2011" . My personal page for participation can be found at "ArtHouseCo-op." It would be wonderful if you could visit me there and maybe even a comment leave, so I know that I had visitors. Now look what I've painted so far and tell me what you think.